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Gazi Salahuddin Siddiquee

B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (First Class First),

Assistant Professor

Agrani School and College, Azimpur. Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: educatorbd@gmail.com

I am a ‘Biology Text Book’ writer for class 12, Approved by National Text Book Board of Bangladesh.

I Edited Higher Secondary Biology Book (written by Professor Nasim Banu), for class XI– XII Approved by National Curriculum and Text Book Board of Bangladesh, since 2001 to 2012.

I won ‘The Best Teacher award’ in 2011 from Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

I won ‘Microsoft class Hack Award’ in 2016 (Budapest, Hungary).

Microsoft Corporation certified me as an Innovative Educator Expert in 2015.

Ref: দৈনিক প্রথম আলো
Ref: techshohor.com

I won ‘The BSB Foundation Award' in 2017 from BSB Cambrian Education Group, Bangladesh.

Ref: দৈনিক প্রথম আলো এবং (BTV)

I won ‘The Best Class Teacher Award’ in 2017 from Thana Education Office, Lalbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

I won ‘The Best Class Teacher Award’ in 2018 from Thana Education Office, Lalbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

I am District ICT Ambassador of Dhaka.

I am a master Trainer of Advanced ICT.

I am a Founder of 4 Educational Websites: These are –

www.educatorbd.com (For all students)

www.biologybd.com (For Biology Subject)

www.alorpathshala.com (For kids)

I have established a youtube educational channel (www.youtube.com/biologybd) which have 333,437 viewers and 1,560 subscriber. From this channel Lots of teachers and students download video clips for educational purpose.

Link: Youtube Chanel

UNDP and Bangladesh government made a documentary film of digital class, using my activities in the class.

Link: Link: www.undp.org

UNDP website comment about my classroom and the achievement of Digital Bangladesh.

UNDPIn the capital, Dhaka, five multimedia classrooms and a computer laboratory with 25 computers have been installed in Agroni School and College giving students an opportunity to learn from computer-generated tables, graphics and maps.
“Nowadays we can find all the latest information on the Internet,” said Gazi Sallaudin Sidikki, a teacher at Agroni. “We are using the Internet to download images, video and animation and creating content for use in class. This makes student learning more complete.”
Link: www.undp.org

The Daily Star (Star Campus), the leading News Paper of Bangladesh published my thinking about education of Bangladesh.

Gazi Salauddin Siddiquee, a lecturer from Agrani Schools and College, Dhaka, says, “We have major problems in our overall education system. In our country, students despite completing their secondary and higher secondary levels of education, hardly develop any practical knowledge to apply in productive activities. The curriculum followed in educational institutions, whether it is a school, college or a university, is too bookish in nature and does not involve any practical skills. I think instead of producing so many university graduates, we should focus on vocational education and training in schools which would let the students grow as potential manpower and would secure their economic independence as they will be eligible to directly apply their skills to productive fields of labour and can earn a good deal both at home and abroad. University education should be preserved for those who desire to achieve an in-depth knowledge on certain subjects and want to solve a particular problem or to increase the theoretical body related to their respective field of study through intensive research work.”

Link: The Daily Star

I attend several live educational talk show about the education of Bangladesh at different TV channel.

I attended in 6th Pan pacific Common wealth open and distance learning conference held in Kerala, India on November, 2010. I have learned lots of things from there.

I attended microsoft educational conference, at Budapest in Hungary on March, 2016.

There I won 'Hack The Classroom Award'.

I am a life Member of Dhaka University Registered Graduates to the Senate-2023. Voter Number : 7960, Registration Number : 2017030469
Link: Registered Graduates to the Senate-2023, University of Dhaka.
Link: Voter Card

I am a life Member of Zoological Society of Bangladesh [ZSB]. [ZSB Life Member No. 402, Page No. 70].
Link: Zoological Society of Bangladesh
Link: List of Life Members

I am a life Member of Nature Study Society of Bangladesh [NSSB]. [NSSB Life Member No. 0109LM09].
Link: Nature Study Society of Bangladesh [NSSB]
Link: List of Life Members

My educational article on daily newspaper

১। জীববিজ্ঞান বিষয়ে ভালো নম্বর পেতে যেভাবে প্রস্তুতি নেবে : Link: প্রথম আলো: ২৯-০৩-২০১০

২। এইচএসসি পরীক্ষা:জীববিজ্ঞান বিষয়ে ভালো নম্বর পেতে যেভাবে প্রস্তুতি নেবে Link: দৈনিক ইত্তেফাক ০৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭ ইং

৩। কেমন হবে একুশ শতকের শিক্ষা? Link: বাংলাদেশের শিক্ষা সেপ্টেম্বর 20, 2012 ইং

৪। জীববিজ্ঞানে যেভাবে প্রস্তুতি নেবে Link: দৈনিক ইত্তেফাক ২২ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৭ ইং